Thursday, March 18, 2010


March 20, 2010

1st Service – Contemporary – 9:00a.m.


Praise & Worship - Grace Notes

Children's Story                                                              Terry Balduff

A Word from our Principal                                               Suzy Juarros

Sermon                                                                 Pastor Loren Seibold

God's Will for Your Life part 2

2nd  Service – Traditional - 11:15a.m.

Gathering Music                                                       Carolyn Sowards

Welcome & Announcements

Opening Song                                                                              #537

He Leadeth Me

Prayer & Offering                        Amy Howard – WAA grade teacher

Offertory                                                                            WAA Bells

Children's Story                            Terry Balduff – WAA grade teacher

Praise Songs                                                             WAA grades 3-5

A Word from our Principal                                               Suzy Juarros

Special Music                                                        Kindergarten Sticks           --

Sermon                                                                 Pastor Loren Seibold

God's Will for Your Life part 2

Closing Song                                                                                #482

Father Lead Me Day by Day

Benediction                                                          Pastor Loren Seibold

Sabbath School


Quarterly study - in the sanctuary

Quarterly study - in the balcony

Contemporary Christian Issues – in the Buller room

Youngbloods class – in church basement. Take elevator

Scripture and the Spirit of Prophesy – in the sanctuary


For Your Information

To those visiting, we welcome you and extend our friendship, joy and prayers. We hope that you enjoy your worship experience with us.

Just Claim It 2! We invite you to join over 15,000 youth/young adults ages 14-35 for "JCI2", the 2nd World Youth Prayer Congress April 7-11, 2010 at the Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Delegates can fill their spiritual cups through our Prayer Initiatives, Community Mission Projects, Evangelism Outreach, Teens Preaching/Testimonies, Mass Choir/Orchestra, Workshops/Seminars, Sabbath Youth Rally/Parade, Recreation and so much more! Check out this website for more details,

Stepping Stones is collecting plastic grocery bags. Please bring them in to the church and leave them in the coat closet.

The Personal Ministries committee is looking for a few folks who would be willing to lead out in adult or children's Sabbath school classes once monthly. We currently have many dedicated teachers but need a few more. If you've never tried leading a SS class, why not give it a try, if not you, then who? Call Doris at 614- 439-0426.

Mount Vernon Academy's annual Academy Days will be held April 11-12, 2010. We would like to invite any students currently in grades 7 through 11 to join us on campus for this event. Registration will begin at 10:00 a.m. This is a free event. MVA will provide shuttling for students from the Akron/Cleveland and Columbus areas. If you have questions or are interested in attending, please call 740-397-5411, email, or visit our website at

Central SDA Church is looking for undiscovered talent to participate in their 2010 Talent Showcase on May 15. If you would be interested in participating, please contact Nicole Nelson at

Do you know of someone that goes above and beyond for the Church? Someone that you would like to nominate for our new Outstanding Volunteer Award? If so, please submit their name to the church office.

FOR RENT. One bedroom, 2nd floor apartment at 848 Griswold Street. There are four rooms and a bath. Eating space in the kitchen. New amenities including: appliances, floor coverings, paint, window treatment, and lighting. Approximately 636 square feet. Rent amount $620.00 per month includes the utilities (lighting, heat, cooling, and water-sewer). Contact B. L. Knecht, or 614-581-3141. Or call the church office, 614-885-7812.Our longest running church ministry, Street Beat, goes back 26 years! They have prepared and delivered food to residents at the Friends of the Homeless Shelter every Sunday (with few exceptions) for every one of those 26 years. That's 1404 meals to those in need!!!  And now Street Beat has a need. They need drivers to make their delivery to the shelter. They meet in the kitchen of the church at 8:00am, are ready to make their delivery by 9:00 and are home no later than 9:30! If you are interested in joining this long serving ministry, please call Loreen Carifa, 888-6667.

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